When Rohan and Priyanka looked into each other’s eyes for hours holding hands for the first time, little did Rohan know that after six years it would be so uncomfortable to look into each other’s eyes even for a fraction of a second.
The first kiss on each others lips, the endless and tender hug, roaming around the entire house with Priyanka on his back, taking her in his arms, dancing with each other to the tune of a romantic instrumental, fighting with each other and then rolling with laughter - all these came as a flashback suddenly when Rohan met Priyanka after almost three years of their break up. When they were in love, the entire world didn’t seem to have existed for them. Lost in each others thoughts and love. Every time they hugged each other, Priyanka used to murmur, “ Please never leave me Rohan, I won’t be able to live without you.” And Rohan used to reply in an assuring voice “Sweetheart, in this false world of false truths, I know only one thing true… I’d give up everything just to be with you.” Priyanka felt the safest when she was in his arms and there was no place for anyone else between them. But, now it has become an unbridgeable gap between the two of them.
But little did he know, that it would be the last time their lips ever touched each others, that this goodbye didn’t mean only till tomorrow, but for a lifetime…