Sunday, February 12, 2012

I love you and always will….

Holding her closely I kissed her gently on her lips
Wishing to have that kiss forever
Tears rolled down the cheek
Filled with emotions which I could never speak.

Knowing she won’t be mine anymore
I gave her a warm hug.
Kissing her on her forehead
Wishing I had her forever and gave up the world instead.


Staring at each other’s eyes, feeling so helpless
Wishing to hold every moment passing by, trying to stop time.
Had a lot of things to say
But words felt short with the feeling of us being torn away.

I bade her the last goodbye
Watching her as she walked away, and finally mixing with the crowd where I can never find her again.
I knew she was gone forever and I can see her face never again
Wish I could be with her, but she never came back in my arms ever again.



Anonymous said...

Made my day once again, excellent post..two thumbs up!:)

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